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Hoe maak je b2b marketing spannend?

In een wereld waarin B2B-marketing vaak als saai en voorspelbaar wordt beschouwd, is het belangrijk om creatieve strategieën te vinden


A high tech mouthguard that might help prevent concussions

Appreciation of the real risks of head injuries has been a long time coming. “Even 10 years ago, if someone

Bio Technology

U.S. Federal Trade Commission Pauses Car-Buying Rules that would Limit Junk Fees and Shady Dealership Tactics : Automotive Addicts

Last year we rejoiced as we reported on the idea of the government putting a stop to the deceptive tactics

Automotive Technology

We’ve never understood how hunger works. That might be about to change.

“Sure, we managed to have the brain say ‘Go eat,’” he says. “But that’s not really an explanation. How does

Bio Technology

How to Use Green Screen on iMovie for Mac

Posted December 16, 2022 by Nick LaFave under Content Creation Learn everything you need to know with this step-by-step guide

Educational Technology

Refreshed Toyota GR Yaris Is Being Considered for South African Market

As you may know by now, the Toyota GR Yaris has been refreshed for 2024 and it comes with a

Automotive Technology

These AI-powered apps can hear the cause of a cough

“One of the big limitations is that a lot of these studies have private data sets that are secret,” Bensoussan

Bio Technology

STEM… STEAM… Tech… Makers: Connecting Project Based Learning (PBL)

Welcome to a post that brings STEM, STEAM, and Maker Space together with Project Based Learning and proper technology integration

Educational Technology

Stellantis Rolls Out BEV-native STLA Large Platform Touting 500-mile Range and Flexibility for Multiple Future Applications : Automotive Addicts

Automotive Stellantis unveiled its latest electric vehicle (EV) platform, the STLA Large, signaling a leap forward in the company’s electrification

Automotive Technology

The first gene-editing treatment: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2024

Many CRISPR treatments are in trials, but in 2022, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, based in Boston, was first to bring one to

Bio Technology